The job market these days is as competitive as it gets, and saving some extra nickel is not enough to fulfil unexpected situations. Investing money is good way to take care of the future needs, may it be emergencies or foreign trips, some extra money can buy the happiness. But there are many factors associated with that scare the average investor due the risks involved.
real estate is one of those investment destinations that appeals to the risk
averse investors. Although there are a wide range
of sophisticated financial instruments available that can provide good returns
including stock market, bond market, mutual fund, private equity etc. the
easiest way to earn a substantial yield on investments with the least risk
exposure is real estate. Real estate in India is a promising sector with much
demand in Kanpur. The investment options span from REITs to traditional quick
flips. Investors can buy property from Real Estate Developers in Kanpur at a lower rate and sell it when the increased
demand raises the prices.
The reasons why real
estate is the best investment option are:
Appreciation: stock
markets are always like roller coaster rides, sometimes they go high up and
sometimes hit rock bottom and to top it all off it also mimics twist and turn
feature of the rides. But if you have a property, the chances of its
appreciation are usually on the positive side.
Rental Income: The
utilisation of an asset directly affects it attractiveness as is evident in
case of real estate property. A property can be utilised in several ways and
among the popular ways, renting it is one. Income from rental property ensures
you get extra money for the month still being an asset that can be liquidated
Flexibility: The best
part about real estate investment is the flexibility you get. If you have a few
residential Plots in Kanpur for instance you
can sell it or build a house on it then sell it or even rent it, the choice is
Knowledge: When investing money in
more sophisticated financial vehicles, investors need to aware of the trends,
some standardised terms and mechanism of the market. But not all investors are
equipped with that kind of knowledge base to be able make any sense from it.
Real estate comparatively is a much more general when it comes to knowledge and
involves some basics of business and trading that even the lowest of all can